Fox Cartridge

Date : February 22, 2023

Fox Cartridge is the culmination of the best technologies available today to make some of the finest ammunition in the world. We originally started as Straight Wall Custom Rifles (SWCR) and it exists today. Each year we make a few high-end rifles for hunting the midwestern states that allow deer hunting using straight wall cartridges. We specialize in custom 375 Winchester and 357 Maximum rifles built with Ruger # 1 actions fitted with match grade barrels to give maximum accuracy. Since building these rifles, it only made since to produce the ammunition as well. And now, building quality ammunition in most all calibers has become our focus and passion. We own a first-class climate-controlled loading facility that house the very best high-speed loading machines in the ammunition loading industry. Each cartridge is either hand inspected, laser inspected or both. Our staff is experienced and dedicated to making the best ammo you can buy!

Like what you see? Lets setup an appointment so we can show you what we can do for you


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