Why should you not choose to not have a website or not get it redesigned ?

Date : March 12, 2020
Category : Digital Marketing

1. 97 percent of people go online to find a local business, and 93 percent of online experiences begin with a search engine. Believe it or not, there are 3.5 billion searches on Google per day, and at this very moment, there is someone in your area online and searching for your exact service. Guess who’s getting their business?

2. 30 Percent of consumers won’t consider a business without a website. Not having a clean, mobile friendly website is as good as not having a website.

3. 63 percent of consumers primarily use a company’s website to find and engage with businesses. That’s a pretty big chunk of consumers

4. A full 75 percent of B2B buyers say digital website content significantly impacts their buying decision, and 62 percent say they can finalize their purchase selection criteria based on a website’s digital content alone.

5. 75 Percent of consumers admit to making judgments on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design.

6. You need to Answer basic questions right when the users want. What better then having them answered on your website.

7. It will help you beat the Goliaths in your industry

8. Social media reach is diminishing, so just by having a social media presence you can’t sit back and relax


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